

CIDGA CIDGA 2022-04-23



Topic:Think Globally, Act Locally: Trends and Cases in Climate Governance


Speaker:Mark A. Boyer


郦   莉,中国农业大学人文与发展学院/国际发展与全球农业学院副教授


巴   枫,中国农业大学人文与发展学院/国际发展与全球农业学院讲师


Prof. Li Li, College of Humanities and Development Studies/College of International Development and Global Agriculture, China Agricultural University

Prof. Qi Gubo, College of Humanities and Development Studies/College of International Development and Global Agriculture, China Agricultural University

Dr. Ba Feng, College of Humanities and Development Studies/College of International Development and Global Agriculture, China Agricultural University


Lectures on New Development Knowledge (No. 54, 2021)


Topic:Think Globally, Act Locally: Trends and Cases in Climate Governance

Time:8:00-9:30pm, Monday, August 23, 2021 Beijing time

Join Webex(会议链接):https://cau.webex.com/cau-sc/j.php?MTID=m4478a63b82b6e0c9c3d0bdb0021e7f1f

Webex会议号(Meeting ID): 158 271 5120   



Lectures on New Development Knowledge (No. 55, 2021)


Topic:Case Studies of Global/Regional Governance: Methodologies & Pedagogy


Time:9:45-11:00pm, Monday, August 23, 2021

Join Webex(会议链接):https://cau.webex.com/cau-sc/j.php?MTID=m4478a63b82b6e0c9c3d0bdb0021e7f1f

Webex会议号(Meeting ID): 158 271 5120 



马克·波义尔教授:美国康涅狄格大学董事会特聘教授,研究方向:全球化、全球—地方联系、环境政策、气候变化、政治经济学、公共物品理论、模拟与实验方法,美国马里兰大学国际关系博士、硕士学位和德国威登堡大学政治学本科学位,本科期间辅修美利坚大学外交政策秋季学期课程,国际研究协会(ISA)执行主任,原UConn政治学系主任(2000—2013),现任地理系、自然资源与环境系、环境工程专业和政治学系联合教授,兼环境科学与工程研究中心常驻学者。曾任International Studies Review(《国际研究评论》,SSCI, Q1)联合主编、International Studies Perspectives(《国际研究视角/展望》,SSCI)主编。曾获UConn教务长基于研究的公共服务奖(全球教育项目GlobalEd)、UConn年度荣誉教授称号、ISA拉德·霍利斯特公共服务奖、UConn校友会研究生卓越教学奖、UConn大学校长信息技术奖(获奖理由:IT在课堂和科研环境中的巧妙运用),曾获美国政治学学会(APSA)罗曼和利特菲尔德政治学教学创新奖(该奖项为表彰政治学课堂教学中具有独创性成绩的教学团队或个人),曾为哈佛大学皮尤教员奖学金项目“案例网络(CASE-NET):国际关系主动学习法”指导委员会成员、皮尤慈善信托基金会与哈佛大学肯尼迪政府管理学院合办的“案例教学法”进修培训项目国际问题研究皮尤教员奖学金资助学者。著有《全球政治学:啮合复杂世界》(2013年版),《复杂世界中的国际谈判》(1999、2005、2010、2015年版)等。曾在ISR(《国际研究评论》)、Contemporary Educational Psychology (SSCI, Q1)(《当代教育心理学》)、Journal of Conflict Resolution (SSCI, Q1)(《冲突解决杂志》), Journal of Peace Research (SSCI, Q1)(《和平研究杂志》), Review of International Political Economy (SSCI, Q1)(《国际政治经济学评论》)等期刊发文,曾任ISR, International Studies Quarterly (SSCI, Q1-国际关系学科)(《国际研究季刊》), International Political Sociology (SSCI, Q1)(《国际政治社会学》)等期刊编委会成员。

Prof. Mark A. Boyer is Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor at University of Connecticut (UConn), the U.S.A. His areas of concentration are: Globalization, Global-Local Linkages, Environmental Policy, Climate Change, Political Economy and Public Goods Theory, Simulation and Experimental Methods. He got Ph.D. and M.A. in International Relations at University of Maryland, and B.A. in Political Science at Wittenberg University, Germany, during which he was involved in a Foreign Policy Semester Program at American University. He is Executive Director of International Studies Association (ISA), and was the Dean of Department of Political Science, UConn (2000-2013). Having joint appointments of Professor at Departments of Geography, Natural Resources and the Environment, Environmental Engineering, and Political Science, he’s also a Scholar-in-Residence at Center for Environmental Science and Engineering (CESE) at UConn. He has been the Co-Editor of International Studies Review (ISR, SSCI, Q1), and the Editor of International Studies Perspectives (SSCI). He has been Co-Director of the GlobalEd Project, which conducts computer-assisted international relations simulations for college and high school students throughout the northeastern United States. He has got the Honors Faculty Member of the Year, UConn Honors Program, 2015; ISA’s Ladd Hollist Award for Service to the ISA, 2009; UConn Provost’s Outreach Award for Research-Based Public Service, 2006; UConn Alumni Association Award for Excellence in Teaching at the Graduate Level, 2004; UConn Chancellor’s Information Technology Award, 2001; American Political Science Association (APSA)’s Rowman and Littlefield Award for Innovation in the Teaching of Political Science, 2000; Pew Faculty Fellowship in International Affairs, Pew Charitable Trusts, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 1992-1993. His books include: Global Politics: Engaging a Complex World (2013), International Negotiation in a Complex World (1999, 2005, 2010, 2015), etc. He has been publishing papers in ISR, Contemporary Educational Psychology (SSCI, Q1), Journal of Conflict Resolution (SSCI, Q1), Journal of Peace Research (SSCI, Q1), Review of International Political Economy (SSCI, Q1), etc. He has been in the Editorial Board of ISR, International Studies Quarterly (SSCI, Q1-International Relations), International Political Sociology (SSCI, Q1), etc.



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